The future is brighter when you’re more prepared
Invuya has been providing career development solutions since 2004.
Invuya is an independent, accredited insurance training provider via INSETA (accreditation number 130123).
Invuya is a private education institute that offers short term & long term training programs as well as skills development workshops.
Our programs & skills courses focus on equipping an individual with the right skills in order to enter or grow in the financial industry.
We offer e-learning programs & courses which give individuals all around South Africa an opportunity to study through Invuya.
Invuya not only trains individuals but also train corporate staff.
Start your career by studying through Invuya!

Our Mission
To meet the academic, regulatory learning requirements of our business partners.

Our Vision
is to be the preferred learning institute in the financial services sector.
displaying energy and enthusiasm in the best interests of our business partners.
Ethical Standards
having honesty and integrity in our dealings.
providing efficient service delivery and meeting turnaround deadlines.
Responsibility & Accountability
taking ownership and showing leadership, irrespective of our position.

A little progress every day, adds up to big results.